Nematodes: The Natural Superheroes of Your Garden

Have you ever heard of nematodes? These microscopic worms are the unseen heroes of every garden and vegetable garden. Despite their modest size, nematodes play a huge role in the natural preservation and protection of our plants. In this article we delve deeper into the fascinating world of nematodes and discover how these little creatures can have a big impact on your garden.

What exactly are nematodes?

Nematodes, or nematodes, are no more than a speck in size – so small that you need a microscope to see them. But don't let their size fool you; The soil in your garden can contain up to a million of these worms per square meter. And the best? They are always ready to help you combat unwanted guests, such as grubs, caterpillars, and even the larvae of the vine beetle. Nematodes are natural pest controllers and a boon for any gardener who prefers not to use chemicals.

The Superpowers of Aaltjes

Nematodes are like superheroes: they track down their enemies, penetrate and defeat them from within. Working together with specific bacteria, they infect pest insects and cause them to die. The great thing is that nematodes multiply as long as food – read: pest insects – is present, making them a self-sufficient solution to your garden problems.

Different Nematodes for Different Pests

There are various types of nematodes, each with their own specialty. Whether you are struggling with grubs ruining your lawn or fungus flies attacking your houseplants, there is always a nematode that can come to your rescue. Some of the best known are:

Steinernema feltiae: The hero versusmourning fliesand thrips.

Steinernema carpocapsae: Combatsleatherjacketsandcaterpillarswith verve.

Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: A nightmare forgrubs.

Phasmarhabditis californica: The solution forslug problems.

Nematodes in Action: Natural, Safe, Effective

Using nematodes is surprisingly simple and extremely safe. Mix them with water and spread the mixture over the soil or spray it directly on the plants. Nematodes are 100% safe for people, pets and the environment, but deadly for pest insects. You will see results within a few days, and because nematodes are completely organic, you don't have to worry about harmful residues in your garden or on your vegetables.

Why Use Nematodes?

In a world where chemical pesticides are increasingly under fire, nematodes offer a welcome, sustainable solution. They only target the bad guys and leave the good guys untouched. With nematodes in your garden, you choose a healthy ecosystem in which plants and useful insects can flourish.

How do you use nematodes?

Whether it's protecting your lawn from grubs or saving your houseplants from...mourning flies, nematodes are a flexible and effective solution. Due to their natural approach, they work both above and below the ground, day and night, to keep your garden free of pests.