You bought nematodes, used them against fungus gnats , and waited with good courage... but those annoying flies keep flying around. Trust us: you are not the only one who wonders whether nematodes work. Good news: they do work, but it takes time and the right approach. We explain what you can do and why you are not seeing results yet.
Why do I still see fungus gnats?
It may seem like nematodes do nothing, but they need time. Nematodes only combat the larvae of fungus gnats, which are in the soil. This process takes a while, and adult fungus gnats continue to fly around until they die of old age.
Important: You can only really notice a difference after four weeks . The nematodes have to move in the soil, find the larvae and eliminate them. Until then, the flies can really test your patience.
What can you do in the meantime?
Although the nematodes are hard at work underground, you can already take action against the adult flies above ground.
1. Use yellow sticky traps
Adult fungus gnats are attracted to the yellow color and stick to these sticky traps. This way you can quickly reduce the population. Hang or place the yellow sticky traps near your plants - especially where you see the most flies.
2. Keep the soil dry
Fungus gnats like a moist environment. Keeping the top of the potting soil dry makes it harder for the flies to lay eggs.
How do you do that?
- Water from below instead of above.
- Sprinkle a thin layer of sand or gravel over the potting soil.
- Allow the top layer of soil to dry thoroughly before watering again.
How do you prevent fungus gnats in the future?
Now that you know how to get rid of fungus gnats, you don't want to see them again. Here's what you can do to prevent future nuisance:
- Check new plants. Fungus gnats can hitch a ride on the soil of new plants. Check this soil before adding them to your collection.
- Use clean potting soil. Good quality potting soil contains fewer larvae or eggs.
- Clean your pots and dishes. Dirt and stagnant water are a feast for fungus gnats.
Patience pays off!
We understand that it is difficult to wait, but give the nematodes time to do their work. Combine their power with yellow sticky traps and dry soil, and you will see the flies slowly disappear.
Do you still have questions, doubts or need extra tips? Feel free to send us a message - we are happy to help you!