Ontdek de kracht van Aaltjes: een complete gids

Discover the power of Aaltjes: a complete guide

In this extensive blog we delve deeper into the world of nematodes; the natural enemies of various pests in nature. But what exactly are nematodes and how do they work? Find out here, along with an overview of their benefits, tips for choosing the right strain, and a guide to effective use. Learn all about this environmentally friendly and targeted method of pest control, and discover how you can make the most of nematodes for a healthy and natural garden.

What are nematodes?

Nematodes, also known as nematodes, are small organisms that play a crucial role in the natural control of garden pests. They are the natural enemies of various harmful insects, such as snails, grubs and other pest insects. With their ability to adapt to different environments, nematodes have evolved into master hunters that rely on other insects as their source of food and energy.

How do nematodes work?

Nematodes use an ingenious strategy to combat insect pests. When introduced to an environment where harmful insects are abundant, they actively search for their prey. They navigate through the soil and quickly find their way to the targets. Once near their prey, they penetrate it.

The power of nematodes lies in their ability to use bacteria as a weapon. They carry deadly bacteria that they release as soon as they invade their prey. These bacteria quickly spread into the body of the pest insect and kill it. The nematodes then feed on the dead tissue of their prey, while simultaneously multiplying and spreading within the insect's body.

What makes nematodes even more remarkable is their ability to stay in balance with the environment. Once the plague population decreases because the nematodes have done their job, the numbers of nematodes also decrease because their food source has run out. This continues until the nematodes have disappeared from your garden.

Benefits of nematodes at a glance

  • Environmentally friendly: Nematodes are a natural method of pest control without harming the environment.
  • Targeted action: They specifically target certain pests and do not affect other organisms.
  • Safe for humans and pets: Nematodes pose no risk to human health or pets. Learn more about this here.
  • No residue: Nematodes leave no harmful residues on crops or in the soil.
  • Natural cycle: They are part of the ecological system and utilize a natural mechanism.
  • Effectiveness against subterranean pests: Especially effective against insect larvae and other subterranean pests.
  • Little chance of resistance: Due to physical interaction, the chance of resistance development is low.
  • Not possible to overdose: It is not possible to administer too many nematodes to the plants to be treated.

Choose the right nematodes

Kind of nematodes

Suitable for combating:

Phasmarhabditis California

  • Snails

Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora

  • Grubs

Heterorhabditis Downesi

  • Yew beetle
  • Weevil (strong variant)

Steinernema Carpocapsae

  • Ticks & fleas
  • Woodlice
  • Crickets
  • Earthworms
  • Box tree moth
  • Emelten

Steinernema Feltiae

  • Mourning flies
  • Oak processionary caterpillar
  • Ants
  • Trips

Choose the right amount

Number of nematodes

Surface area in m²

Number of plants

5 million


10-15 plants

12.5 million


25-30 plants

25 million


50-60 plants

50 million


100-120 plants

125 million


500-600 plants

250 million


1100-1200 plants

Store the nematodes properly

Store the nematodes in the refrigerator. The freezer is not suitable for this. Keep a close eye on the expiration date. The sooner the nematodes are deployed, the more effective they are.


1. Choose the right day.

Nematodes do not tolerate UV light well. So avoid using the nematodes during a sunny day.

*Tip: Apply the nematodes in the evening or during a cloudy/rainy day!

2. Check the soil temperature.

The nematodes can be used all year round in heated greenhouses and greenhouses. View it below if you want to use the nematodes outside.

Kind of nematodes

Suitable soil temperature

Phasmarhabditis California


Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora


Heterorhabditis Downesi


Steinernema Carpocapsae


Steinernema Feltiae


3. Make sure the soil is moist.

Moisten the surface to be treated before and after you apply the nematodes. The surface should be kept moist for 3 weeks after treatment.

4. Mix the contents of the bag with water.

Dissolve the contents of the package in lukewarm water (15-20°C). Mix the contents of the entire bag with 1 liter of water, regardless of the amount of nematodes in the bag. Rinse the bag, otherwise nematodes will remain in the packaging. Stir until the contents of the entire bag have dissolved in the water. You have now prepared the concentrate.

5.Now mix the concentrate with water.

For every (m²) 1 liter of water must be added. For an area of ​​10m² you need 10 liters of water. For an area of ​​50m² you need 50 liters of water, etc.

6. Spray the concentrate over the desired surface / plants.

You cannot administer too many nematodes to a plant. Nematodes are also not harmful if a plant is not affected by nematodes. So if you still have some concentrate left, you can distribute it evenly among the plants to be controlled, or administer it to your other plants to be on the safe side.

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